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Introduction to the conventional structure of two-color Injection mold construction

Author:zerostart-tool Date:2023-07-27 Reading:296

Conventional structural form:

1. Two sets of mold embryos, each with a relatively common forming structure: the front mold is the same, while the rear mold is different (the second mold embryo is rotated 180 degrees and placed). Attention: There are certain techniques for fixing the mold on the injection molding machine; Fix one set first and then the other set, mainly adjusting the dynamic mold part of the other set (the code mold must be closed with screws, and generally cannot be used as a code). High requirements for flange size.

2. Side nails: No guide pillars.

3. Forming requirements: ⑴ primary adhesive, ⑵ secondary adhesive, ⑶ pre pressing, and ⑷ avoiding voids; Shrinkage does not need to be considered (usually about 2MM after gluing).

5. The dual color mold in the form of "convex mold rotation" has two concave molds and a convex mold composed of two back-to-back groups, which can rotate. The equipped injection molding machine has two material barrels, and the second material barrel is designed in the vertical direction of the injection molding machine's movement. Two different plastics can be injected simultaneously. When the two types of plastic injected solidify, the injection molding machine opens and automatically ejects the complete product. After removing the product, the "rotatable punch" rotates 180 degrees. The injection molding machine is closed for the next cycle.

The first and second barrels of the "convex mold rotation" mode are injected simultaneously. So, the efficiency of producing the same product using the "punch rotation" mode is twice that of using the "punch translation" mode.

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